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Monday, May 15, 2006

Howdy ya'll! I admit I'm a newbie to online marketing, and such. I can say one thing though, during your journies throughout the online world to make money you learn very valuable things along the way. It's amazing actually how you can get on a computer and learn so much stuff for free. Right now I'm mainly working on promoting my site which is . Let me tell you, it isn't easy either. Countless postings to forums, and free ad sites can wear you out at times. The marketing world is very competitive and some have the skills to be able to spend two hours on the computer and make thousands of dollars just FOR those two hours. They make it look -simple-. Thing is though, it is not simple. You have to have the will power, the intelligence, and the get up and go outlook upon what you are trying to make money at. You see all these ads online where they are saying "I made 1 million dollars in ONE MONTH!" Then you sit back going whoa, thinking hey if this guy can do it so can I! If you stop and take a look though at these guys' backgrounds you will find out that they were computer techies -before- they started. So in other words, they had the experience, and the one-up on those who don't have such experience. It is very very hard to keep up with today's society. Sometimes I just want to name myself cavewoman because I literally feel at times like I've been locked up somewhere where I couldn't see all this new stuff.


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