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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Looking for Something? All the coolest deals are here.

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We obviously owe a debt of gratitude to our forefathers for the freedom that
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But do you feel like your not quite as free as the media is luring you to believe?

If you're not... what, or who, do you think is getting in your way? Can you think
of something specific that stands between you and living your life the way you
want to?

Maybe it's the government. Your boss. Maybe it's just the television or a few
bad habits you can't seem to shake. Are you not sure?

On the other hand, do you know people that enjoy vastly more freedom than
you do? Do you think there's something they know that you don't? Maybe
they know the truth?

Imagine for just a moment doing what you want, when you want... with who
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I know, I know... it seems like something out of the show "Lifestyles of the Rich
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I'm going to share quickly with you two things that I learned this week about Google's Adsense so this won't be a long post I admit. The two things that I have learned are that people prefer the 250x250 banner size, and are much likely to click on it compared to the other banner forms. Also link ads work well, along with the image ones. The second thing I learned is that with Adsense ads if you have ever noticed, they have a line saying "advertise on this site". Well what I learned is that if you can go into your google adsense account, under the my account tab around the bottom there is a checkbox near the option of putting advertise on this site on there. Uncheck that because I have learned that it increases clicks, along with your CTR, and CPMs.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Seo Elite: New Seo Software!

The Grand Daddy of all Seo Software! Get A Top 5 Google Ranking In Under 30 Days! Click here for details

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Joint Ventures

The promises are big and achievable…

Generate wealth using other people's money, expertise and time…

Put deals together that flood your bank account with cash quickly…

Set up backend offers that generate profits on a consistent and continual basis…

Take your business and wealth to a whole new level without risking your own assets, and with minimal time, effort or expense

You CANNOT lose by trying this, target=_top>Click Here!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Google Adsense is really really great to use I have found out. You get paid for basically letting them put their ads on your site. Each time someone clicks on a Google ad you get money, and it's all free to use!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Howdy ya'll! I admit I'm a newbie to online marketing, and such. I can say one thing though, during your journies throughout the online world to make money you learn very valuable things along the way. It's amazing actually how you can get on a computer and learn so much stuff for free. Right now I'm mainly working on promoting my site which is . Let me tell you, it isn't easy either. Countless postings to forums, and free ad sites can wear you out at times. The marketing world is very competitive and some have the skills to be able to spend two hours on the computer and make thousands of dollars just FOR those two hours. They make it look -simple-. Thing is though, it is not simple. You have to have the will power, the intelligence, and the get up and go outlook upon what you are trying to make money at. You see all these ads online where they are saying "I made 1 million dollars in ONE MONTH!" Then you sit back going whoa, thinking hey if this guy can do it so can I! If you stop and take a look though at these guys' backgrounds you will find out that they were computer techies -before- they started. So in other words, they had the experience, and the one-up on those who don't have such experience. It is very very hard to keep up with today's society. Sometimes I just want to name myself cavewoman because I literally feel at times like I've been locked up somewhere where I couldn't see all this new stuff.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

This is going to be..

my marketing blog. going to be posting ads of different affiliates, going to be sharing helpful tips along the way. It's going to be cool I think..